Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm Not Sure I Can Do This

This post is all about... CONFIDENCE
I think one of the biggest obstacles in life for many people is that they lack confidence in their ability to accomplish certain tasks. Too often we listen to the voices that tell us, “you can’t do that”, “it’ll never work” or “don’t risk it.” Those voices come from naysayers in our lives. But sometimes the voice is our own. The naysayers are easy enough to deal with--you can just avoid them and not waste your time listening to their negativity. But when the voice is your own, that’s a different story. You can’t avoid that. Instead you have to focus on erasing those tapes in your mind that tell you words like “can’t,” “never” and “don’t”.
Confidence begins when you start replacing those tapes with questions like: “Why not?” “Who says so?” and “Yes I can.” And after that, you take baby steps toward accomplishing what you’re after. The biggest confidence crisis I faced in life was in the summer of 2008 after my wife and I filed for bankruptcy. I had allowed our debt to grow totally out of control. And shortly after that letdown, I lost my job. Now I had to do something new, and I had no idea what else was out there that I could do, or wanted to do.
When the opportunity to begin a part-time network marketing business came up, I was intrigued. As I began explore the possibilities I got excited about it. But still, I lacked confidence. I knew nothing about network marketing or the company I was promoting. But I quickly realized that to gain confidence, I had to submit myself to a couple of critical realities:
(#1) Gaining confidence in a new venture TAKES TIME. You cannot learn all you need to know overnight. You have to be patient and allow yourself time to develop the knowledge and skills that will help you to be successful. Experience comes through trial and error. And as you learn, you grow. And as you grow, you gain confidence in what you’re doing and the tapes in your head start playing a new tune!

(#2) Gaining confidence TAKES EFFORT. You have to force yourself to do things that are difficult and uncomfortable. It’s hard to succeed in life if you aren’t willing to work at it. Success doesn’t happen accidentally. It’s a result of purposeful, intentional energy and effort that you put forth in achieving your goal.

Confidence is the result of doing something consistently, tweaking your methods as you go, in order to produce a desired result. They say that “practice makes perfect”. I agree with that to a point. Nobody’s perfect. But practice does make you more CONFIDENT in what you’re doing. So my encouragement to you is to TAKE TIME and EFFORT to develop CONFIDENCE. What is it that you’re after in life? Listen to me: “You can do it!” 
If you need the confidence to believe in yourself and take a risk, change the tapes, listen to the voices that support and inspire you. Until next time...
I gotta grow!

J.T. Bean
YouTube Channel: JTBeanScenes

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